Sunday, February 6, 2011

Testing my XL B Plate *Caution -A very Picture heavy post!*

Hey ladies!

I was going to sample the first 20 images of Plate XL B...However i got carried away...and decided to do the whole plate ! =))

I used:

- Rimmel London -Double Duty Base Coat.
- China Glaze - Rodeo Fanatic ( First 20 images) .
- China Glaze - Branding Iron ( Last 22 images) .
- China Glaze - Tinsel.
- Konad Special White Polish.
* Apologies for my sloppy nail varnish applying! I hope it doesn't offend anyone...I was just to anxious to try the designs out =( --- All pictures can be enlarged! - if you dare lol *

I cant decide..if i like plate A or B better...Sooo Many designs! =) .

Theres really is a pattern to suit or all ocassions or mood on this plate!.

...And i love how many Spiral and Circle patters there is =) .

If you havent already seem my tests for Plate XL A , then you can find them :

Here i used Some China Glaze- Tinsel on my Little Finger, Index Finger and Thumb...Just because i love how it looks! =)))

...I cant say enough how much i love these plates!...there so versatile.

I hope you enjoyed looking at what XL B has to offer!

I hope you had a great weekend Girls! xx.


**Please note that I paid the invoiced amount in full for my plates. I do not endorse nor promote this website/etailer other than I am passing on the info of where I got them to those who may wish to know. I have no affiliation with any company and received no compensation for promotion of these products, nor am I promoting them...just letting fellow bloggers where they may be obtained should they be interested.