Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day Girlie's !

Here's a quick post of my Valentines Day manicure <3>

I used:

- M65 for the Rose Full length pattern.
- M59 For the hearts and Bows.
- Gosh - Holographic Polish.
- Konad Special Black Polish.
- Some Rhinestones (Red heart rhinestone on my ring finger and a Pink round rhinestone for the bow on my thumb).

(Both pictures can be enlarged - Just click )

I uploaded two pictures to show my manicure with different lighting , I love this Gosh Polish <3

I hope you all have a great Valentines Day whether your Single, Married or in a Relationship!



P.s if you get a chance watch Its the cutest video ever made!