Friday, March 18, 2011

How about a little teaser from Monster Bundle!

Hey Ladies!

I'm sorry i cant enlarge this picture more =-/ But monster bundle have just posted this image on their Facebook page- to give us an indication of what they have planned for there new plates.

I cant wait to see what else they have designed!

And here's another they've released today on the 19.03.2011 *edit to my original post*

They've confirmed the launch date of this set will be in the next 3 weeks - and there will be 25 plates =)))) .

@ Paulina

ok monster bundle have said

Bundle Monster ‎@Sarah, they will be named BM-201 to BM-225.

Monster bundle have also said -----The plates will be sold in a set for the best value. As for the backing, we may consider it. However, as you can understand, every little detail is additional cost in production and will reflect in the final price of the product. We try to offer the best value for the money to our customer, so sometimes really need to find that perfect "balance". :)

they've also said

Bundle Monster - the new set will not replace the old set. It will be sold separately. The full nail design will be a little larger than the 1st set; a revision based on customer reviews. We are listening! We appreciate all the feedbacks!
